Dashboard Forums HR Universe Case Study on Using a Performance Improvement Plan🙂

  • Case Study on Using a Performance Improvement Plan🙂

    Posted by Joel Martin on May 28, 2021 at 6:14 PM

    Case Study on Using a Performance Improvement Plan

    The following example describes how a formal PIP can increase worker performance.

    👉A newly promoted plant manager of a 150-person organization was failing miserably in completing key deliverables for an important project. Communication and performance improvement coaching had little impact, and there was no indication that the manager was capable of improving. The manager’s supervisor, the vice president of manufacturing, grew increasingly concerned about the plant manager’s performance.

    👉in an attempt to resolve the problem, a formal PIP was developed for the plant manager citing 11 goals and their measures of success. A 90-day time frame was provided, as these goals were challenging and not short-term items to accomplish. The manager was given a strong, supportive environment in which the supervisor’s expectations for success were a key factor.

    👉To everyone’s surprise, the manager met all of the goals. The manager was able to succeed because he was given specific direction about what was required to accomplish the 11 goals set out in the PIP.

    👉Armed with this information, the manager gathered his entire team, four supervisors, and several members of the organization’s support staff, and shared the PIP with its 11 key goals. The manager requested their help in reaching the goals so that the entire group could succeed.

    Therefore, watching this process play out made believers of everyone involved in the power of a well-planned, measurable PIP characterized by positive reinforcement and expressed support and encouragement.👧👩‍🦱🖐

    Joel Martin replied 2 years, 11 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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