Dashboard Forums HR Universe Misfit🙂

  • Misfit🙂

    Posted by Joel Martin on August 3, 2021 at 6:01 PM

    Mergers,acquisitions, research, discovery, stocks, shares, and everything great.

    A misfit is a person whose behaviour or attitude sets them apart from others in an uncomfortably conspicuous way.

    Apparently, some of the most innovative individuals in the world fall in line with this category.

    So as an Hr, are we trained to spot individuals such as these, and help them create way for their progress and the organisations.

    Or are we quick to close the doors on these individuals because, that would make thing easier.

    Here are a few know facts about employees with an innovative mindset. that have been internally tested by major organisations and that have been a great boon to their growth.

    Employees that have an orginal thinking mindset. Fresh ideas.

    Look out for the unconventional employees. The teams that are all not that popular.

    Dont start hiring yet. Most organisations start recruiting,hiring, because they lack the basic funda of where to look and then how to motivate. start looking within the organisation first.

    Lookout for

    Employees who had ideas in the past that had been dismissed or overlooked.

    Employees who are not happy with the way things are.

    You might have one of those people on your team. Or maybe you’re one of those.

    You dont necessarily have to go looking for employees that had created their earlier hits

    Joel Martin replied 3 years, 7 months ago 3 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • CHRMP Team

    August 4, 2021 at 5:14 PM

    Good post @Joel Indeed, misfits are the ones who find it difficult to adjust in the organisation. Wouldn’t misfit teams be more popular, though not from the performance point of view? I wonder what the top HRs in this community have to say.

    Do let us know your thoughts how you handle these misfits in your workplaces.

    Tagging some of you from varied backgrounds to share your thoughts on this really inquisitive topic, though would look forward to anyone’s contribution @jyotisandhu @neelimasamkishan @nehasaxena @prakashnegi @Meenu @ajinkyavijayzad @AmiBudhadev @hars

    • Joel Martin

      August 4, 2021 at 5:56 PM

      Hi Sunny,

      Misfit, as in not comfortable with the system,

      Not necessarily from performance point of view.

      However these people may not get promoted , might not get projects, because, because they dont see conformity as a reason for promotions.

      There are multiple reasons for getting selected for a task, projects, promotion etc , and where bureaucracy plays a part, there is no place for innovation.

    • Jyoti Sandhu

      August 6, 2021 at 5:56 PM

      I would say Yes to being a misfit in many of my earlier organisations / roles. Being an employees’ & organisation’s advocate I fought for things, I stood up against what I thought wasn’t right for the employees, and for the organisation culture. For all this I was disliked by some, but I was also appreciated by many, I still get calls from employees about the experiences I helped create for them. BUT all this at the cost of not getting a raise or promotion.

      Switching back to an organisation where (for a change) I opted for staying quite, and just doing the things as I was asked to – well it took a lot of time to get used to it.

      Having been on both sides, I feel strong voices who have it in them to make a difference won’t stay around for long if they are not heard or their ideas are not addressed. Organisations develop only when they have space enough to accommodate divergent views. Only yay-sayers will lead to organisation structures that are easy for now but in the long run it won’t contribute to a strong & valuable organisation.

      However, it all depends on the industry / function / work area. E.g. In defence forces, if the Commanding Officer is not listened to, and all other divergent voices start speaking up, then it will lead to highly chaotic situations, and would risk life of people. Similar leadership style (Commanding) will not work in areas wherein a person has to be creative / innovative (say IT or branding); well exceptions are always there. But considering today’s highly dynamic world, if organisations don’t adapt themselves and provide space to ‘rebels’, it sure isn’t going to go too far.

      • CHRMP Team

        August 17, 2021 at 4:34 PM

        Great share @jyotisandhu and thanks for this viewpoint 🙂

        I too agree when you say that different views have to be respected and heard. Only when this happens the organisation can grow. TOTALLY! And yay sayers will also create a culture without any variety in thinking processes. What do you say @Joel ?

        What do you mean @jyotisandhu , “Who have it in them…?”

        • Joel Martin

          August 18, 2021 at 1:33 PM

          HI Sunny,✌

          I guess when we say yay sayers vs naysayers, its the majority vs minority.

          I read a quote that says “support the yaysayers not the naysayers”😉

          Mahathma Gandhi and half a billion people vs the British empire.

          Nelson Mandela his Party ANC vs the British empire.

          Steve Jobs(singled out) Vs the apple board members.

          Who are the yaysayers and the naysayers here.

          Ruth Bader Ginsberg said “Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.”

          I guess in an organisation, its first important to create a environment/group/ that supports our principles or values, as long as it in sync with the values of the organisation.

          Values and principles that have already been laid out in writing, need to be brought to the attention of senior management, when they are not in force.

          The way to do that is first, social skills, social network, time, patience.

          However, all this may be in theory.


          • CHRMP Team

            August 20, 2021 at 5:50 PM

            Hmm interesting @Joel Did you read here you are saying, “our kind of thinking”? What do you mean? Does it go as per your post here?

  • Joel Martin

    August 25, 2021 at 2:55 PM

    Hi Sunny,

    I was referring to the post by Jyoti.

    I believe that while Organisational values move from top-down, supposedly its the job of the top management to enforce these, initially.

    Somewhere along the way, values are lost, ‘personal experience’. it happens in big and small organisations.

    Whose, task is it to ensure that these values stay with the employees/management ?.

    I would say it belongs to all the employees/management, hence its our duty to ensure these values are maintained; if somewhere along the way employees/management forget them/sidetrack/dodge etc.

    However, in circumstances this does not happen.

    Because, values can become a hindrance to the personal interest of certain people.

    A no of organisations have set up pigeon holes where employees/management can bring said matters to the attention of the top management.


    I guess i need to find out if values have been a hindrance to the growth of any organisation.

    For now i can think of ‘Boeing’.

    I also believe ‘Apple computers’ was at loss because they moved away from the organisation values.

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