Online Bootcamps – Recordings (Deep Dives)

CHRMP Team · August 22, 2020
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112 Courses

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Course Includes

  • 142 Lessons


    1. Yes Laxmi, please visit academy events section. You would see the session schedule and Deep dive sessions are also included there. Please register for any future session that is about to happen and you will receive the joining link in your mailbox.

    1. Hi Winifred, slides have the same content as it is in your respective books provided in the self paced course section for each topic. Please refer that along with the videos here to gain better clarity. Hope that helps

    1. Hello Nawidullah,

      The recording of the performance management session conducted on 6th Aug 2022 is uploaded.

      Please follow this path to access the recording : My certifications—-HRBP Advanced—–Online bootcamps—-Session recordings

      Hope this helps!

  1. I am already enrolled In this course I already watched half of the lecture related to compensation and benefits planning but here now I don’t have access why..
    Admin please resolve our issue

    1. Please retry and ensure you are logged in to the academy platform and are able to see your name on the top-left (on a desktop/laptop). If issue persists, please contact us through by sharing screenshot of the issue and we will resolve it at the earliest.

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