Managing & Appraising Performance 2.0

Dishaa Singhal · April 25, 2023

What Youโ€™ll Learn From Appraising and Managing Performance

As a student, youโ€™ll get a few great benefits from being here:

  • Establish performance standards for appraisal.
  • Enumerate the correct metric to be used as KPIs and KRAs for roles in MBO.
  • Evaluate the numerous appraisal methods and select the one best suited to the organisationโ€™s culture and requirements.
  • Analyse performance appraisal data, diagnose errors, and recommend corrective actions.
  • Coach managers on the organisationโ€™s performance appraisal process.
  • Devise behaviour statements that can be used as a part of BARS.
  • Deploy succession planning systems to protect critical roles.
  • Develop performance improvement plans

Here is what we will focus on during this module

  • Introduction to performance management
  • Importance of performance management processes
  • Objectives and uses of performance management
  • Traditional methods of performance appraisal:
    • Checklist method
    • Graphic rating scale method
    • Behaviourally anchored rating scales
    • Management by objectives
    • 360-degree appraisal
    • Assessment centres
    • Ongoing coaching and feedback
  • Errors in performance appraisal

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Course Includes

  • 71 Lessons
  • 13 Quizzes


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