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If the mock test lesson didnt open, there will be alert saying you need to complete the following course. It is mandatory to take the core module to take the mock test. After completing the core module it will automatic unlock the mock test. After that you can attempt unlimited no of times. Hope this will help if someone got alert message…
I have completed this tests yesterday, but again showing undone
I also finished mock tests 1 and 2 but still showing undone
All the best!
I have completed mock test 1and 2 but it’s still reflecting as if l have not yet attempted the tests.please assist
I want to complete moc test
Hello Ashwini,
Please click on the Mock test and you can begin the same.
Mock test
Can you please explain your query Pranita?
I have completed the Mock Test. Hope I’m prepared for the Exam. 😊
Hi Harold, Congratulations on completing the Mock Test! It’s a significant milestone in your exam preparation. Taking mock tests is an excellent way to gauge your readiness and identify areas that may require further attention. Good luck with your upcoming exam!
I have completed all the courses. Still it is showing incomplete
I have done all the tests