What You’ll Learn From Train the Trainer 

As a student, here’s what you will learn to do:

  • Understand the core principles and purpose of training.
  • Develop essential skills for effective training delivery.
  • Create engaging and impactful training programs.
  • Establish a conducive learning environment and manage group dynamics.
  • Comprehend the significance of training evaluation.
  • Utilize the Kirkpatrick 4 levels of evaluation for continuous improvement.
  • Differentiate between training, facilitation, and presentation.
  • Identify and fulfill primary trainer responsibilities.

Here is what we will focus on during this module

  • Skills required of a trainer
  • Overview of training cycle
  • Connection between learning & training cycle
  • Delivering an impactful training session
  • Preparing self, learners and the training environment
  • Building a supportive learning environment for maximum impact
  • Training vs facilitation, vs presentation
  • Understanding your style
  • Managing groups & disruptive behaviours
  • Need for evaluation
  • Methodologies for evaluation
  • Kirkpatrick’s level 1 evaluation
  • Kirkpatrick’s level 2 evaluation
  • Kirkpatrick’s level 3 evaluation
  • Kirkpatrick’s level 4 evaluation

The Instructor for this course is Celeste Dean.

The Learning Experience Guide for this course is Sahil Bhalerao.
Sahil can be reached out at sahil.bhalerao@rippleslearning.com

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111 Courses

+96 enrolled
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Course Includes

  • 71 Lessons
  • 11 Quizzes


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