Dashboard Forums HR Universe Misfit🙂 Reply To: Misfit🙂

  • Joel Martin

    August 25, 2021 at 2:55 PM

    Hi Sunny,

    I was referring to the post by Jyoti.

    I believe that while Organisational values move from top-down, supposedly its the job of the top management to enforce these, initially.

    Somewhere along the way, values are lost, ‘personal experience’. it happens in big and small organisations.

    Whose, task is it to ensure that these values stay with the employees/management ?.

    I would say it belongs to all the employees/management, hence its our duty to ensure these values are maintained; if somewhere along the way employees/management forget them/sidetrack/dodge etc.

    However, in circumstances this does not happen.

    Because, values can become a hindrance to the personal interest of certain people.

    A no of organisations have set up pigeon holes where employees/management can bring said matters to the attention of the top management.


    I guess i need to find out if values have been a hindrance to the growth of any organisation.

    For now i can think of ‘Boeing’.

    I also believe ‘Apple computers’ was at loss because they moved away from the organisation values.

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