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  • Sunny Suman

    September 13, 2023 at 4:04 PM

    Hello @shraddhasingh ,

    Thank you for your thoughtful response! 🌟 Your insights on how ABC Manufacturing can address the skills gap are well-considered and align with best practices in HR.

    It’s great to see you actively engaging with the case study and sharing your expertise. Your emphasis on the importance of clear communication, the use of data for decision-making, and the role of monetary incentives as motivators for upskilling are all key points.

    Your mention of the need to offer competitive compensation when hiring external talent is spot-on, especially for critical roles.

    We appreciate your awareness of the legal and compliance aspects, highlighting the importance of adhering to regulations and staying updated.

    Your contribution is a valuable addition to our community, and we look forward to more of your insights and engagement in the future. Keep up the excellent work, and together, we’ll continue to learn and grow! 🚀📚🤝

    I would truly appreciate an engagement from others as well. If you have a case as well, please feel free to post it in forum.

    Best regards.

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