Dashboard Forums HR Universe Impression Management😀😊😮🤨🙄😯

  • Impression Management😀😊😮🤨🙄😯

    Posted by Joel Martin on March 10, 2021 at 6:14 PM

    How often do we reflect on “Who am I” from the point of view of others.

    What impressions do we leave behind on social networking sites such as FB.

    What impressions will friends form of us.

    What about strangers?

    What about potential employers?

    Millions of first impressions are now formed online.

    We leave behind impressions – positive or negative – in every interaction – whether F2F or virtually (phone/websites). It is important to be aware of this.

    While expressing your thoughts and opinions, realize that there are people who may interpret these messages either positively or negatively, so you must manage the impression you project through these sites with that awareness, and with the understanding of all the audience who may come across their views/opinions/shared experiences.

    We sometimes have no clue how we come across to others. Because we not only fail to consider the information used by observers.

    In addition, we also actively take into account information observers fail to consider – in other words, what we know about ourselves that others don’t know.

    E.g. You may know you’re more responsible than you used to be, more talkative than your friends, and less productive than you might wish. But such information about your past, your friends, and your wishes is not easily accessible to others. Even so, when guessing what others think of you, you’ll find it almost impossible to disregard all the things you know about yourself to which others don’t have access.

    How you’re seen does matter. Social judgment forms the basis for social interaction itself. Almost every decision others make about you, from promotions to friendships to marriages, is based on how people see you. So even if you never learn what you’re really like, learning how others perceive you is a worthwhile goal.

    The best way to do know what others are thinking of you is to solicit their opinions. You’ll need to get feedback from multiple people—your friends, coworkers, family, and, if you can, your enemies. Offer the cloak of anonymity without which they wouldn’t dare share the brutal truth—the Facebook app “Honesty Box,” for instance, allows people to send you anonymous notes. You may also want to videotape yourself to get a more objective perspective.

    Joel Martin replied 4 years ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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