Organisational structure

  • Organisational structure

    Posted by Joel Martin on June 29, 2021 at 5:20 PM

    There are several Organisational structures. In most cases the bigger the organisation, the more complex, the structure.

    The most common organisational structure is the hierarchical structure. In this case employees are motivated through promotion. This structure typically is a long chain of command and comes at a higher cost to operate, considering a large no of management personnel working in the organisation.

    Narrow span of control: It has many managers and fewer subordinates reporting.

    Other things to consider, communication from top-down is usually slow.

    An organizational structure defines how activities such as task allocation, coordination, and supervision are directed toward the achievement of organizational aims.

    Organizational structure affects organizational action and provides the foundation on which standard operating procedures and routines rest.

    It determines which individuals get to participate in which decision-making processes, and thus to what extent their views shape the organization’s actions.

    Organizational structure can also be considered as the viewing glass or perspective through which individuals see their organization and its environment.

    Joel Martin replied 3 years, 8 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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