Steps to be mindful, when it comes to professionalism.😊


  • Steps to be mindful, when it comes to professionalism.😊

    Posted by Joel Martin on March 23, 2021 at 6:17 PM

    😮Being unresponsive – People commonly fail to answer emails or calls, which makes getting feedback, answers or problems solved rather difficult. They tend to do this to avoid uncomfortable situations. No one said work would be easy and that we can just ignore difficult issues. We are paid to handle problems and difficult situations, so stop procrastinating and get the job done.

    💋Blaming – People love to blame external factors for problems they create. Not only is this immature, but it often causes problems for other people. Additionally, problems are never solved when they’re blamed on something else.

    🤞Not keeping promises – Keeping promises is a basic professional expectation, yet people frequently fail to do this. They make promises that won’t be kept, which causes problems for other people who might be depending on promises being kept. Do what you say you’re going to do. Only make promises you know will be kept (barring unexpected events).

    💨Putting profit ahead of customer needs – Selling defective products is a common example of this behaviour (ex. used car lemons). Customers pay for products and reasonably expect to get value. Professional companies exist to provide value, and as a result they earn a profit (i.e., Apple). As Walt Disney once said, “I don’t make movies to make money, I make money to make movies.” Focus on providing outstanding value and you will likely be rewarded with profit.

    📣Poor communication – One would imagine that after decades of communicating, one would be an expert at it. However people are notoriously poor communicators, particularly listening. This endemic problem makes it impossible to be professional, since one cannot do a job effectively if one cannot understand other people. Additionally, most people’s writing skills, including college graduates, are atrocious.

    Putting together a coherent paragraph is an impossible task for far too many people. Since communicating is an integral part of everyone’s job, I advocate that all working adults take significant steps to improve their communication skills. This includes taking formal writing and listening courses, reading self-help books and actively seeking critiques of listening and writing skills.

    👉Lying and stealing – These acts seem obviously unprofessional, but countless people do both every day; often in small seemingly inconsequential ways. However, size doesn’t matter when it comes to lying and stealing. No matter the size, it’s wrong. It shouldn’t be done, particularly since small lies and minor stealing often lead to bigger versions of it. Not only are these unprofessional behaviors, they are also unethical and/or illegal.

    🙄Not giving 100% – Just look around and you can find many examples of employees giving less than 100%. Part is, this is a function of doing what is easy, not what is best. Mature adults do what is best, even if it is harder. If one collects 100% of a pay check, one owes 100% work effort. If you think you aren’t being paid enough, rather than working less, get another job or start a new business.

    🤷‍♀️Thin skin
    There are millions of people who get hurt by any non-complimentary comment
    directed at them. They are like fragile little flowers! Who get offended at
    every little thing, it is not a virtue. Pressuring others to be
    politically correct or fake is not an answer. Learn to value critiques and see
    them as learning opportunities.

    Joel Martin replied 3 years, 11 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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