The 4 Types of Personality Behaviors – \'I\' Influence

  • The 4 Types of Personality Behaviors – \'I\' Influence

    Posted by Joel Martin on February 24, 2021 at 4:49 PM

    Yesterday we looked at D-Dominance.

    I-Influence is a person who is –

    👏Interested in taking people with them, enthusing them with optimism and energy

    👏Open with people

    👏Ready to make personal investment

    And so they are

    👏Generally very good with people.

    👏Can frighten people by being over-enthusiastic and dominant

    👏Can feel personally let down by people and left out

    ✅Can you think of someone who fits this description? It maybe your friend, colleague, boss.

    With I-influence,➡

    >>Expect some element of socializing

    >>Talk about opinions and other people

    >>Give your ideas about the product or service you are discussing

    >>Be enthusiastic and energetic

    >> Be fast paced.

    Joel Martin replied 3 years, 6 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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