Behavioural Event Interviewing 2.0


Dishaa Singhal · December 23, 2022

What You’ll Learn From Behavioural Event Interviewing

As a student, you’ll get a few significant benefits from being here:

  • Distinguish BEI from traditional interviewing methods
  • Construct effective BEI questions to assess competencies required for a role.
  • Use strategies and skills to probe and elicit evidence during an interview.
  • Create the interview structure and interview funnel
  • Identify the STAR in a candidate’s response. 
  • Develop the ability to conduct Competency-based interviewing
  • Document the interview process and assign a rating
  • Capture positive and negative behavioural indicators

Here is what we will focus on during this module 

  • Introduction to the job interview
  • Types of interview questions
  • The behavioural event interview
  • Structure of a behavioural event interview
  • Finding the STAR
  • Strategies for conducting an effective BEI
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Course Includes

  • 28 Lessons
  • 6 Quizzes


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