C&B Implementation (Indian Payroll)


CHRMP Team · August 17, 2020

This course includes recordings of 4 deep dive webinars on Indian Statutory Compliance related to Indian Payroll system.

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Course Includes

  • 4 Lessons


    1. Hello Pratap,

      That’s great to hear!

      I hope that you were able to take away some valuable insights from the session and that it will be useful to you in your future endeavors.

      Thanks for sharing your positive feedback!

      Happy Learning!

  1. I wanted to express my appreciation for the opportunity to learn about the payroll module. The theoretical aspects have been quite informative and have helped me understand the different components involved.

    However, I’ve noticed that there are several changes needed in the CTC (Cost to Company) breakup and income tax calculations. It would be helpful to address these adjustments to ensure accuracy and efficiency.

    1. Thank you for sharing your appreciation and feedback on the payroll module. We’re glad to hear that the theoretical aspects have been informative and helpful in understanding the different components involved.

      Regarding your observations about the CTC breakup and income tax calculations, we appreciate your attention to detail. Ensuring accuracy and efficiency in these areas is crucial. We will review the content to address any necessary adjustments. If you have specific suggestions or areas you’ve noticed that need updating, please feel free to share them. Your insights help us continuously improve our courses and provide the most relevant and accurate information.

    1. For gratuity eligibility, the total continuous service with the company is considered, regardless of whether it was contract-based or permanent, as long as the employment was uninterrupted and under the same employer. Therefore, if the employee worked 5 continuous years (including the contract period), they would be eligible for gratuity.

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