What You’ll Learn From Instructional Design

As a student, you’ll get a few great benefits from being here:

  1. Understand the biological and Cognitive processes involved in a learning process.
  2. Develop learning solutions using the biological and cognitive processes and their limitations.
  3. Understand how learning taxonomies play a vital role in various elements of instructional design.
  4. Create a piece of instruction based on various human learning processes.
  5. Learn what the common errors instructional designers make while creating learning solutions.

Here is what we will focus on during this module 

  • How learning happens
  • Limitations in the learning process
  • Learning Taxonomies
  • Adult learning principles
  • Steps to create a design document
  • Determine the Instructional delivery system
  • Create design document

The Instructor for this course is Celeste Dean.

The Learning Experience Guide for this course is Sahil Bhalerao.
Sahil can be reached out at sahil.bhalerao@rippleslearning.com

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Course Includes

  • 29 Lessons
  • 3 Quizzes


    1. Thank you for your appreciation! Thoughtful instructional design plays a crucial role in making learning more effective, and it’s great to hear that the structured approach in this module is helping with understanding and retention. Wishing you a valuable and enriching learning experience ahead!

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