Joel Martin
MemberForum Replies Created
Hi Sunny,
I was referring to the post by Jyoti.
I believe that while Organisational values move from top-down, supposedly its the job of the top management to enforce these, initially.
Somewhere along the way, values are lost, ‘personal experience’. it happens in big and small organisations.
Whose, task is it to ensure that these values stay with the employees/management ?.
I would say it belongs to all the employees/management, hence its our duty to ensure these values are maintained; if somewhere along the way employees/management forget them/sidetrack/dodge etc.
However, in circumstances this does not happen.
Because, values can become a hindrance to the personal interest of certain people.
A no of organisations have set up pigeon holes where employees/management can bring said matters to the attention of the top management.
I guess i need to find out if values have been a hindrance to the growth of any organisation.
For now i can think of ‘Boeing’.
I also believe ‘Apple computers’ was at loss because they moved away from the organisation values.
Good to hear from you sunny.
Thank you
Joel Martin
MemberFebruary 10, 2021 at 12:51 PM in reply to: Indian industrialist Ratan Tata’s journey says a lot about our journey todayHi Sunny😎
Definitely a good read.
If you have an idea don’t stop; just because you don’t have a few cheer leaders, to tag along the way.
Keep moving forward is the motto.
Hi Mohammad,
In regards to this question. There are several reasons why some employees are always regular and why some employees do not attend work regularly.
Some genuine reasons, maybe ill health, family, fatigue, or just need a break.
So I believe these can be looked at from a positive angle.
There are several solutions to address this concern.
An organization could always start by engaging and motivating employees more frequently. Provide incentives and benefits for regular attendees.
Gifts or paid vacations for regular employees are other motivating factors.
This may boost the employee morale within the organization.
My Organization, holds teem meets. We occasionally play games. We take time to communicate ideas openly.
We spend time with people to train them.
We higher people from various educational backgrounds.
Hi Srividya,
Well Said.🙂
HI Sunny,✌
I guess when we say yay sayers vs naysayers, its the majority vs minority.
I read a quote that says “support the yaysayers not the naysayers”😉
Mahathma Gandhi and half a billion people vs the British empire.
Nelson Mandela his Party ANC vs the British empire.
Steve Jobs(singled out) Vs the apple board members.
Who are the yaysayers and the naysayers here.
Ruth Bader Ginsberg said “Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.”
I guess in an organisation, its first important to create a environment/group/ that supports our principles or values, as long as it in sync with the values of the organisation.
Values and principles that have already been laid out in writing, need to be brought to the attention of senior management, when they are not in force.
The way to do that is first, social skills, social network, time, patience.
However, all this may be in theory.
Hi Sunny,
Misfit, as in not comfortable with the system,
Not necessarily from performance point of view.
However these people may not get promoted , might not get projects, because, because they dont see conformity as a reason for promotions.
There are multiple reasons for getting selected for a task, projects, promotion etc , and where bureaucracy plays a part, there is no place for innovation.
good to hear from you Sunny.
Thank you.🙂✌
Hey Anantha,
Thanks for pointing this out.
Good to know.
Thanks sunny,
That is very informative
Hi Anantha,
Thank you for the insight.
Your welcome Deepa 🙂
Greetings Mary,
Thank you for the correction.
If you have any thoughts or ideas.
Please do share.
With Warm Regards,
Hi Mohammad,
Thank you for your reply.
Joel Martin
MemberFebruary 15, 2021 at 1:20 PM in reply to: Leading Positively😊 For Corporate Growth😃 Sunny,
Its an innovative technique to let employees develop a thinking of can do attitude, by handing over the thinking process over to them.
I believe, this would definitely develop into a sense of maturity and authority in individuals. leading individuals to think for themselves and develop positive emotions.
Joel Martin
MemberFebruary 15, 2021 at 12:59 PM in reply to: Leading Positively😊 For Corporate GrowthHi Deepa,
Good point there,✌
There are plenty of activities and social clubs set up in some organizations that assist employees, to socialize and stay effective.
I had been to one organization, where I noticed employees get of their seats and as a ‘big group’ get on the floor to do a plank and other exercises.
I noticed how this simple yet clever technique of engaging, had brought much charm and humor to the workplace.
“fostering positive emotions ” ,so does it mean
creating an environment of growth and feedbacks & platform to share their
ideas/concerns ?I believe all organizations, have this in mind to thrive to be the best organization, and some would know that the only way they are going to achieve this is by investing in the growth of their employees. How ever the question always comes to, how do we do it?.😀
Joel Martin
MemberFebruary 8, 2021 at 5:03 PM in reply to: 👩🦰👨A great place to work!! How would you want your dream workplace to be.Hi Shreya,😊
Good to hear from you.
I too believe that the job market has evolved and grown exponentially in terms off value for employees.
Thank You,
Joel Martin
MemberFebruary 3, 2021 at 1:19 PM in reply to: The Connection Culture!! ✌👏 Love to hear from you‘Apple/Steve Jobs’ as an organisations grew in a different point in time, the 70’s belonged to a culture that is different from the one today. Those years were the ‘baby boomer’ years.
Changing times require change management.
The millennial generation, gen y, gen z belong to the current period. The employee culture of this generation are very different from the employee culture of the 70s or 80s and hence the employees of the current generation, prefer being engaged with in a different manner.
As you mentioned, ‘Steve jobs’ “he was very ruthless with his employees and would go to any extent to get what he wanted”
Having said that,
Steve Jobs, at one point fired one of his best programmers, for the reason being, the employee had lost focus on the company’s mission.
Steve jobs was asked to leave his position at ‘Apple’, very early in his career. Something that could have happened for a no of reasons.
From an online extract
“He got ideas in his head, and the hell with what anybody else wanted to do.” Even former Pepsi President John Sculley, who had joined Apple to play the role of Jobs’ babysitter of sorts, couldn’t handle working with him. In fact, Sculley orchestrated the ouster himself, comparing Jobs to a relentless zealot
Ref: http://content.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,1873486_1873491_1873461,00.html
But in 1997, with the company operating at a loss and Microsoft’s Windows 95 flying off the shelves, Apple’s board decided that a zealot was just what it needed. In August of that year, Jobs rejoined the board in august, becoming CEO — at first, with an “interim” — the following month. “He had become a far better leader
Ref: http://content.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,1873486_1873491_1873461,00.html
Joel Martin
MemberFebruary 2, 2021 at 12:18 PM in reply to: The Connection Culture!! ✌👏 Love to hear from youDear Tafadzwa,
Good to hear from you.😊
I am glad you enjoyed learning here.
In this article, I described what excellent employee engagement can do for an organization.
If you can share some insight 😊 as in what can make pupils better/happier employees in an organization?